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How Upgrading Your AC System Can Save You Money
March 12, 2024

Is it time to upgrade your AC system? If you've been stuck with the same air conditioning unit for a while, you may be able to save more money by upgrading your unit. In fact, you probably want to think about switching to high-efficiency air conditioners. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, this can help to keep your home cool by reducing energy use for air conditioning by 20% to 50%. Here are other ways you can save money by upgrading your AC System.

Controlling the Temperature

If you leave your AC system running all the time, then you may be wasting money. The newer ones often allow you to set various timers to have it operate at peak efficiency without using up too much energy. You can have it at higher temps during the day when you're at work and then start cooling things down when you're on your way home. This is a great way to save energy and money. Controlling your temperature allows you to only use your system when you need it.

Saving on Service

In our experience, many newer units are more durable and need fewer service visits at first. Oftentimes, many of the new models also have similar parts, making these services faster and more efficient.

Upgrading anything, including appliances, can seem nerve-wracking. It helps to do some research and see what people are saying about particular brands. You can talk with experts and hear their thoughts. Then, you'll be able to make a decision that you can feel good about. While it may seem like an investment to upgrade to a new system at first, it can save you money on service in the long run.

Technology has made so many strides in the air conditioning field. Best of all, you can get these upgrades without having to break the bank. You'll be able to enjoy yourself in your home with an air conditioner that is purring along, making everyone inside feel comfortable. That's a worthy investment.

Are you thinking of upgrading your AC system? Contact us at AC1 Heating and Cooling. Our skilled experts will come to your place and see what is best for you. We're ready to help you be as comfortable as possible.

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